Kristen F. from Mesa, AZ
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Kristen F.
From: Mesa, AZ
Lost: 47 lbs
in: 6 months
Won: $1050
Kristen F. knew she had gained weight but it wasn’t until she saw the numbers on the scale that she realized she needed to do something. “Seeing the possibility to win money and knowing I was the biggest I had ever been motivated me,” she recalls upon signing up for the HealthyWager challenge.
Kristen bet $75 for 6 months that she would lose 40 pounds. She crushed her goal, lost 47 pounds and won $1,050.95!
How did she do it? She gave herself a diet a makeover. Switching out breads, potatoes and desserts for Greek yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, nuts and salads, Kristen saw herself change, both physically and mentally. “Losing weight I believe is 99.9% mental strength. Many people believe in cheat days, but for me those never worked. My cheat days usually turned into cheat weeks or months.”
In addition to her HealthyWager, Kristen participated in a HealthyWage step challenge, which helped her stay accountable with exercise and motivated her to increase her physical activity.
Her determination paid off (in more ways than one). “I found great strength in being disciplined,” and the scale certainly agreed! “If you want to lose weight for good and get paid to do it, this is the program for you!”
Congratulations on your success Kristen!