Kerri O. from Fall River, MA
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: Kerri O.
From: Fall River, MA
Lost: 91 lbs
in: 13 months
Won: $2196
“I’ve gained and lost weight all my life, but had reached a point where I was so heavy that I needed to turn it around. I knew money would motivate me and felt like I had to bet enough to make it count.
I haven’t been under 200 since I was 14. It’s like being in a whole new body — I’m in shock everyday. To have that weight off my body is an obvious difference. My thighs don’t touch now when I walk, which is weird (but great) for me. Mentally, I’m in a much better place and feel better about myself. I eat right and am healthy; [my weight loss] has affected all aspects of my life. I’m just happy.”