John S. from Hanson, MA
The prize amount depends on several factors that you input, including your weight loss goal. You'll receive your prize upon successfully achieving your goal by the end of your weight loss competition. While weight loss can be challenging, we're here to provide the fun, motivation, and accountability – and you supply the effort!

Name: John S.
From: Hanson, MA
Lost: 61 lbs
in: 8 months
Won: $1608
“I’ve been gaining weight gradually since high school. Year after year I would gain 5-7 pounds without much thought. It was not until I had kids where I started feeling immensely unhealthy. I knew I had to lose weight for my children. I was on a trajectory to be a parent who couldn’t play and would always be unhealthy. Now I am the dad they deserve and I owe so much of that to HealthyWage!”