Your team is what you make of it! The captain is not necessarily the fittest person on the team, or any kind of diet expert. But the captain IS the driver and the enthusiast - responsible for keeping teammates engaged and on track, setting the tone and the example for others, even when times get tough!


Key Responsibilities:

Team1) Get a great team together

As captain, you can:

You don't need to know all your teammates before starting! But get to know them, use the "Team Huddle" feed to introduce teammates and break the ice. Here's a great team success story about some strangers who came together and won their challenge - read about The Road Less Padded.


SEP Someone Else's Problem2) Hold your team accountable

When you're part of a team, someone else's problem is everyone's problem! Ideally everyone on your team will hold one another to their part, but as the Captain you should step up to the job. Set the expectation that everyone gets weighed-in within the first two weeks of the challenge (ideally, sooner), and they will communicate the good, the bad, and the ugly! Use your team huddle to keep things private to just your team.

Ways to increase accountability:


Knowledge 3) Know your stuff

We did already tell you that you don't have to be a nutrition or fitness expert to be a great captain! And that is true, but what you do need to know are the rules of the challenge! Make sure you know key dates and understand the rules for winning so you can help your team stay on target from the get go. We've listed a few general pieces of info for you below, but please be sure to read through the rules and FAQs of your challenge, and check the "Dates and Deadlines" widget on your dashboard for specifics!


Contact HealthyWage:

Email: (fastest)

Phone: (888) 636-3832

Fax: (651) 964-3499


Here are some screenshots to help you and your teammates get around your dashboard:

Rules/FAQ Links

The specific rules and FAQs of your challenge can be found by clicking the links shown below. If you are participating with an employer, there will sometimes be an additional link here that reads "Weigh-In Locations," for locations near your office.

Rules/FAQ Links


Unofficial Weigh-in / Verified Weigh-in Buttons

unofficial/official weigh-in buttons


Coach / Everyone / Team Huddle Tabs

Switch between the Coach, Everyone, and Team Huddle Tabs by clicking on the word. The Coach tab shows the latest Coach comments and replies. Posts and replies here are visible to everyone in the challenge. The Everyone tab shows new posts, photos and replies by teammates and others participating in the challenge. Everything in the "Everyone" tab is also visible to everyone participating in the challenge. The "Team Huddle" tab is private to just your team. Only your current teammates will be able to see posts, photos and replies shared here.

Feed Tabs


Dates & Deadlines Widget

Click the arrow on the right to open/close widgets. Find important dates for your challenge in the Dates & Deadlines widget, as shown below.

Dates Deadlines Widget



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