View All Ribbons

Ribbons are a fun way to keep track of your personal achievement and effort, and research shows that you're more likely to lose weight if you divide your goals into bite-size mini-goals. The ribbons take this concept to another level by making the mini-goals social (people can see when you earn a ribbon) and fun. You can earn ribbons for taking certain actions from your challenge dashboard and for achieving certain milestones throughout the challenge. Ribbons are not required, but they are important because they improve your odds of success!

Here are all the ways you can earn ribbons!

Personal Achievements Ribbons

2% Weight Loss

Weight Loss of 2%
Lose 2% of your starting weight to win this ribbon!

4% Weight Loss

Weight Loss of 4%
Lose 4% of your starting weight to win this ribbon!

6% Weight Loss

Weight Loss of 6%
Lose 6% of your starting weight to win this ribbon!

8% Weight Loss

Weight Loss of 8%
Lose 8% of your starting weight to win this ribbon!

10% Weight Loss

Weight Loss of 10%
Lose 10% of your starting weight to win this ribbon!


Team Achievements Ribbons


Team 2% Weight Loss

Team Average Hits 2%
Awarded when your team achieves a 2% average weight loss!

Team 4% Weight Loss

Team Average Hits 4%
Awarded when your team achieves a 4% average weight loss!

Team 6% Weight Loss

Team Average Hits 6%
Awarded when your team achieves a 6% average weight loss!

Effort Ribbons


Profile Photo

Upload Your Profile Photo
(Awarded upon uploading a profile photo to your personal profile from your dashboard)

Verified Weigh In

Get a Verified Weigh-In
(Awarded upon submitting a verified weigh-in)

Verified Weigh Out

Get a Verified Weigh-Out
(Awarded upon submitting a verified weigh-out)


Weight Watchers Member

WW Member
(Awarded for being or becoming a WW Member)


Mobile App Download

Mobile App Download
(Awarded upon first login to Mobile App)


Team Ending Weight

Team Ending Weight
(Awarded once all teammates have submitted a final verified weigh-in)

Team Photo Ribbon

Team Photo
(Awarded when a team photo is uploaded to the "Teammates Widget" on the challenge dashboard)

 Activity Tracker Ribbon

Activity Tracker Connection Ribbon
(Awarded for syncing your Fitbit Activity Tracker with your HealthyWage account)

Challenge MVP

Challenge MVP
(Awarded once per challenge to the participant who invites the most people to join the challenge)

Top Commenter

Top Weekly Comment

(Awarded weekly to the participant who created the post that gets the most unique likes/comments that week)

Super Supporter

Super Supporter
(Awarded to any participant who gives support on at least 10 days (by liking or commenting on at least one non-teammate's activity).


Mini Challenge 1

Mini Challenge #1
(Awarded to team upon entry submission
of entry for Mini Challenge #1)

Mini Challenge 2

Mini Challenge #2
(Awarded to team upon entry submission
of entry for Mini Challenge #2)

Mini Challenge 3

Mini Challenge #3
(Awarded to team upon entry submission
of entry for Mini Challenge #3)

Mini Challenge 4

Mini Challenge #4
(Awarded to team upon entry submission
of entry for Mini Challenge #4)

Mini Challenge 5

Mini Challenge #5
(Awarded to team upon entry submission
of entry for Mini Challenge #5)

Mini Challenge 6

Mini Challenge #6
(Awarded to team upon entry submission
of entry for Mini Challenge #6)