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Gyms and HealthyWage members can call support at (888) 636-3832.
Our general fax number is: (651) 964-3499.
Because it works, it's a lot of fun and you can win big! Team weight loss is exciting and effective because it harnesses the power of positive peer pressure, the excitement of achieving goals with teammates, and the thrill of competition and big cash prizes. Participants in these contests have lost hundreds of thousands of pounds in the last two years. Teams forming now!
The Big Law Challenge is a three-month weight loss challenge in which teams of five compete to win cash prizes. Team prizes include the $10,000 Grand Prize, which is awarded to the team that loses the greatest percentage of weight during the contest across all participating firms. There's also a $1,500 cash prize for the top team from each company with at least 50 participants (that does not win the grand prize)! We make sure there are bunches of prizes and excitement to make weight loss rewarding.
Discounted employer entrance fees available for both private and public team challenges. If not participating through your company, the entry fee is $99 or $33/month. The entrance fee allows for you to compete with your team for cash prizes (up to $10,000!). If your team does not win a prize, lose 10% of your starting weight six months after your challenge ends and you can receive a full reimbursement of your registration fee.
If you are participating with a company offering a subsidy, refer to the landing page for details.
HealthyWage is committed to protecting the security of your personal information, including payment information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. For example, all participant data is collected and transmitted over secured connections using 256-bit encryption. All pages on the HealthyWage website are served over TLS. All payment data is handled following rigorous Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards set by VISA, MasterCard, and American Express. We process payments via a highly reputable third-party payment processor and never store your sensitive payment information on our own system.
The Big Law Wellness Challenge is based on team support and motivation, which provides accountability and success. To make it lots of fun, each week, we provide you with tips and tricks to help you and your team stay on track. We also have 6 mini-challenges, fun team activities to help you move forward!
Yes, it's a team-based weight loss challenge. You can have your co-workers on your team. If you don't have a team of five, don't worry, we will match you up with new friends when the contest starts (we make sure everyone is on a team).
Ask them to visit the Team Challenge. After they register, they will choose your team from a list.
No. Just let them know that they need to register online at the Team Challenge page. After they register, they will arrive at the page with a list of teams and will be able to choose your team from the list.
Don't worry, we've got someone for that! Our Chief Fun Officer will work with you to make sure you are on a complete team. Once you're signed up, email and just ask for assistance. If you've got one or two others signed up with you, we'll also make sure you stay together! Teams will be locked and no changes will be allowed two weeks after the challenge start date (if you sign up later than that, your team will remain unlocked for a week), so make sure you let us know right away if you need help!
No, but the longer you wait after the contest starts, the less time you'll have to lose weight!
A team can be changed within the first two weeks of the challenge. After two weeks, teams are locked and your team can not be changed (exception: if you sign up later than two weeks into the challenge, your team will remain unlocked for a week).
Absolutely. You can participate in up to 10 challenges at the same time! So double-up, even triple-up to maximize your winnings for the same weight loss! But remember that you can only win a top team prize in the $10,000 Team Challenge one time.
Yes—twice: once at the beginning (anytime on or after the start date) and once at the end (within two weeks before, or on, the end date) of the program.
If you still have an unverified member on your team a month after the start date you are stuck with them. So make sure you are aware of the status of your teammates by going to the teammate section on your dashboard and clicking the ‘i’ icon.
You have two options: (1) it's easy to get verified at home by making a private weight verification video following these instructions or (2) you can get your weight verified at by any fitness profession (e.g., your health club), doctor or as part of your normal WW weigh-in. If you do not belong to WW or a health club, many health clubs are willing to help out; be sure to call ahead. Note: if you are a corporate participant, please stand by; we will automatically send you a list of weigh-in centers the week of the contest start date.
We take the average of each team member's weight loss percentage. To calculate your individual weight loss percentage, take the number of pounds you have lost divided by your starting weight.
Yes. In order to encourage healthy weight loss, we only count weight loss up to 16.6% per person. Any individual weight loss beyond 16.59% does not count for the challenge. So, the winning team is the one where each team member gets closest to the cap. Note: it is OKAY to lose more than 16.6% (you won't be disqualified), but the extra weight you lose above 16.59% will not count toward your team's weight loss for the challenge.
Ribbons are a fun way to keep track of your effort and achievement, and research shows that you're more likely to lose weight if you divide your goals into bite-size mini-goals. The ribbons take this concept to another level by making the mini-goals social (people can see when you earn a ribbon) and fun. You can earn ribbons for taking certain actions and for achieving certain milestones throughout the challenge, as well as via team based achievements. For example, you will earn one weekly weigh-in ribbon for recording an unverified weight at least once per week (12:01am Sunday to 11:59pm Saturday (US Pacific Time)) on the site. Ribbons are not required, but they are important because (1) they improve your likelihood of success; and 2) in the event that you are tied with another team in the challenge, the tie will be broken based on which team has earned the most ribbons ("team aggregate ribbon count").
NOTE: Please notify HealthyWage immediately if you think you are missing a ribbon! You must notify HealthyWage within seven days from the date the ribbon should have been awarded; otherwise, the ribbon is forfeited.
In the event of a tie for weight loss percentage, we will break the tie by looking to the team aggregate ribbon count of each team -- most ribbons wins. In the case of a tie for team aggregate ribbon count, we will pool the relevant prizes and divide equally among the tied teams. For example, if two teams are tied for first, we will pool the first and second place prizes and divide the total between the two teams (and the next highest ranking team will get the third place prize). If four teams are tied, we will pool the first, second and third place prizes and divide the total between the four teams. No other teams will win any prizes. All determinations of winners will be managed by HealthyWage and are final – they cannot be appealed.
For challenges without "team ribbons": the team's ribbon total for tie-breaker purposes is the sum of each teammate's individual ribbons won. If five teammates have 23 ribbons each, the team's ribbon total would be 23 x 5 = 115 ribbons. The team aggregate ribbon count for tie-breaker purposes is found on the challenge leaderboard and under "Team Total Ribbons Won" on team profiles.
For challenges with "Team Ribbons": "team" ribbons will also be awarded for teams achieving certain weight loss and/or challenge milestones together. For the purposes of team aggregate ribbon counts, team ribbons will only count one time toward the team total, even though they are awarded to each individual on the team.
The team aggregate ribbon count for tie-breaker purposes is the sum of all teammates' "Individual Ribbons Won" plus "Team Ribbons Won." For example, a team of 5 may have 12 earned ribbons each, including one awarded for the 2% Team Weight Loss ribbon. Each individual on the team (5) will receive this team ribbon and it will count toward their personal ribbon totals, however only 1 ribbon will be counted in the team aggregate ribbon count (not 5). This team's ribbon total would be 11 personal ribbons x 5 teammates = 55, plus one team ribbon = 56. The team aggregate ribbon count for tie-breaker purposes can be found on the challenge leaderboard and under "Team Total Ribbons Won" on team profiles.
No. But you can sign up if you've recently had your baby, if your doctor says it's okay.
You may not participate if you are having surgery during the challenge or one year prior. For weight loss pills consult a physician and only with advanced doctor approval.
No! You and your teammates can live in different parts of the country, and get weighed-in at different gyms and/or doctors.
No. You are under no obligation to any health club weigh-in station. While we encourage you to support our sponsors and partners, the weigh-ins are free and without obligation.
HealthyWage will only issue refunds before the start-date of the challenge or in cases where medical issues or pregnancy prevent you from continuing the program.
While some of our challenges are associated with participating employers, the challenges are associated with HealthyWage, therefore your employment status will have no impact on your eligibility in a challenge.
No. No one else will see your actual weight (including your employer). Only your percentage weight loss will be visible to other users.
*Individual companies might have specific eligibility rules. Refer to your companies landing page for details.